The purpose of the Universal Wood Products Ltd Human Rights Policy is to communicate to our employees, customers and suppliers the ethical and social values we respect and our commitment to uphold human rights by promoting our values of innovation, excellence, integrity, collaboration and discipline. Through these principles we aim to be an aspiring business for people to join and with which to be associated.
UWP Ltd is a major producer of MDF primed profiles supplying to the UK construction sector. We are dedicated to the adoption of internationally recognised human rights standards in all our operations. The international sources of law upon which our human rights standards are based, aim to ensure a consistent adoption of our principles throughout the business.
Human Rights are the universal rights that every human being is entitled to and to have protected. They are most appropriately defied as those rights that require us to treat others as we ourselves would want to be treated and which protect us - as individuals and groups - from abuses of power. We have adopted a series of human rights principles across our business. Also see our anti-slavery policy.
We are committed to performing to the highest standard of ethics and in accordance with our value. We are open and fair in dialogue with all our stakeholders and commit to communicate effectively and
courteously with external parties. We respect all fundamental human rights and will be guided in the conduct of our business by the provisions of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
All employees at Universal Wood Products shall conduct themselves in accordance with the highest ethical standards. We aim to ensure that no form of discrimination is practised in any area of our business including recruitment, compensation, promotion, training or retirement based on race, colour, ethnic origin, gender, age, religious beliefs, disability, marital status, social class, nationality, sexual orientation, gender reassignment or employment status. We are committed to ensuring that our employees can work in an environment free of physical, psychological or verbal abuse, the threat of abuse and sexual or other harassment and, accordingly such actions are forbidden. ln accordance with legislation, best practice and a prevailing knowledge of our industry we shall take all
reasonable steps to prevent accidents and injury to health arising out of, associated with or in the course of work, by minimising so far as is reasonably practicable the causes of hazards inherent in the working environment. All employees shall receive an appropriate level of training to enable them to perform their duties.
Conserving and protecting the environment is a principle of high importance. We shall not engage in activities that have unacceptable risks and such risks shall be identified as early as possible with a view to facilitating timely and appropriate action.
We shall seek to avoid methods of operation which give rise to environmental risks where there are suitable alternatives available and shall endeavour, within our remit, to ensure our customers and supply chain strive for environmentally positive options whenever possible. We shall adopt systems which allow the impact of our work on the environment and the communities to be evaluated and considered with a view to minimising any negative impact.
UWP Ltd recognises it could have an impact on the community within which it is based. We believe our local community is very important and any issues are dealt with at a local level. We are committed to creating economic opportunity and fostering goodwill within our local area.
UWP Ltd undertake to ensure that its Human Rights Policy and those policies which derive from it are
communicated effectively to Directors, Management and its Employees effectively including but not limited to Directors Policies and Procedure manual, notice boards and employee’s handbooks.
UWP Ltd expects its employees, managers and supply chain to maintain the highest standards in conformity with our principles. It is Management’s responsibility to communicate the expected standards to our employees and ensure that they conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. Disciplinary sanctions shall be enforced against any employee who is in breach of our human rights principles and policies.
Issued: November 2017